This page if for breeders, puppy owners and anyone looking to expand their knowledge of breeding and raising Gordon Setters.
A good venue for information and discussion on care, breeding, showing etc. can be found at the following website. You can choose to “follow” the group and get notifications or just read through the archive of articles:
Gordon Setter Experts
The following website has numerous good articles which seems to be updated and added to regularly:
Breeding Better Dogs
The Canine Chronicle has a number of good articles such as:
Knowledge Based Breeding
The Canine Chronicle
322 – August, 2010
by Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia
To get your new puppy owners started out on the right paw here are some excellent resources from the late Dr. Sophia Yin:
Puppy Socialization Checklist (PDF)
Perfect Puppy in 7 Days by Dr. Sophia Yin